Применение взрыва в сварочной технике

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In the last few decades application of explosive energy in metal treatment has become the true fact. That is evidenced by tens of thousand products made by the explosive treatment. Nowadays more than 20 explosive technologies (welding, cutting, synthesis of new materials, explosive forming, hardening, etc.)have appeared demanded in practice. New technologies were created mainly in the USA and the USSR and then fast recognized by other industrially developed countries. Perhaps, the sole exception is the technology of explosive treatment of welded joints in metal structures, its founder (1970) — the PWI of NAS of Ukraine, still being an exclusive owner of the method.

Even in the early 50's it became clear, that production of some parts by means of accessible explosives can be simple and inexpensive. However the attempts to extend this technology beyond frameworks of manufacturing such parts were almost not undertaken. Not long after the industrial firms, engaged in rocket production and aircraft construction, began to search for new technologies which could help to solve the problems that had emerged. It was the aviation and rocket industry where solution of difficult problems of forming by means of explosive were solved. Other branches of industry faced a necessity of the small-scale manufacturing of complex parts, that served a beginning for studying the methods of application of the explosive treatment. Since many consumers did not consider expedient to create the equipment for the explosive treatment, there appeared a lot of small joint enterprises and the firms-contractors, which were engaged in this business. Economic expediency of existence of the above firms specializing in the explosive treatment only has demanded serious check in everyday life.

There are clear advantages of remote operations in explosive treatment, which have allowed them to take an appropriate place in industry today, and which open new degrees of freedom for the engineer-designer. Some of the advantages should be mentioned.

1.A decrease in the matrix cost, because of the use of only the embedding (retaining) matrix, instead of the complete set of a matrix with a stamp. It is possible to avoid high capital investments on the press equipment since capital investments are necessary for creation of setting explosive devices only.

2.Production of some parts by explosive treatment rather than by mechanical methods. Asymmetric parts, and those of or-


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